A team of Special Cell led by Inspectors Umesh Barthwal and Kailash Singh Bisht has arrested a desperate interstate gangster Salman @ Zaki s/o Kamaal Ahmed r/o Vill Akbarpur Jhoja, PO & PS Gulawathi, Distt Bulandsahar, UP, age 23 years. Acting upon a secret tip-off received by Head Constable Samay Singh accused Salman @ Zaki was arrested by the team on 15-7-2016 from Idgah Road, Shahdara, Delhi in the morning hours. He was found possessing a countrymade pistol alongwith 2 live cartridges of 315 bore. Salman is a desperate criminal invoved in sensational double murder case of Delhi, a murder case of Hapur, UP and Attempt to murder case of Gulawathi, UP. He has been arrested in FIR NO 42/2016 dt 15-7-2016 u/s 25/54/59 Arms Act PS Special Cell, Delhi.
He was lodged in Dasna jail UP, in murder
cases of UP. On 4-7-2016 while he was being taken to Gaziabad court for
production he escaped from Police custody. A case vide FIR No. 856/2016 dt 4-7-2016 u/s 223/224 IPC was registered at PS Kavi Nagar
Gaziabad, UP.
Salman @ Zaki,
who hails from Village Akbarpur Jhoja, Gulawathi, Bulandsahar, UP did his
initial schooling from his village. His father is a transporter and lives in
village. He has a younger brother who is studying in Amity University. His
family has a rivalry with a family of his village as they had killed his cousin
for supremacy in the area. During his schooling he fell in bad company and
addicted to drugs. In 2011 he tried to kill one Sachin r/o Modinagar in his
village as he suspected Sachin of giving him a bad name. A case vide FIR no
225/2011 u/ss 307/506 IPC was registred at PS Gulawathi, UP. He fled to Delhi
and took admission in Zakir Hussain College, Delhi.
In 2012, in the area of Nizamuddin, Delhi,
he alongwith his associate Javed killed a daughter and mother when they
objected the accused persons for urinating infront of them. This was a sensational
double murder case in Delhi register vide FIR no. 403/2012 dt 22.11.2012 u/s 307/302 IPC PS H N Din,
Delhi. He was arrested by Delhi police in this murder case of PS H N Din,
Delhi. He was also arrested by UP police in an attempt to murder case of PS
After coming out on bail he continued his criminal
activities and in 20015 he alongwith his associates attacked member of his
rival party in village. In this attack one Arif was killed and Sheru was
injured. He alongwith his assocaites was arrested in this case and lodged in
Dasna jail.
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