Welcoming the decision of the Delhi High Court, Leader of Opposition Shri Vijender Gupta said that it is a milestone in defining the respective roles and powers of the Chief Minister and the Lt. Governor of Delhi. It is a great leap forward in clearing the mess and confusion created by the Kejriwal’s Government. If taken in right spirit, it can pave way for better governance of the city.
Leader of Opposition said that it has indicated our stand during the last 18 months that Lt. Governor is the Constitutional head of the Delhi Government. He said that it is a great lesson for Delhi Government because CM deliberately try to create confusion from the very beginning of his taking over as CM keeping in line with his anarchist approach. He never believed in doing constructive work for Delhities and wasted lot of crucial time and funds fighting avoidable legal battle.
Mr. Gupta said that a number of important decisions taken by thel Government have been put aside by the Court. It is in consistent with our demand in and outside the Vidhan Sabha. We hope that wiser counsel will prevail upon Delhi Government and in place of going to the Supreme Court, it will accept the High Court verdict.
Delhi BJP Leaders Demand Kejriwal should either work within the limits of Constitution or Resign
New Delhi, Addressing a Press Conference today with the Leader of Opposition Shri Vijender Gupta, BJP National Secretary Sardar R.P. Singh, MPs Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi & Shri Manoj Tiwari, BJP Delhi Pradesh President Shri Satish Upadhyay has said that today is a red letter day in the interest of the people of Delhi because Delhi High Court has ended the administrative anarchy prevailing for the last 18 months in Delhi.
Shri Satish Upadhyay said BJP hopes that Arvind Kejriwal Government will accept this Judgement and concentrate upon providing a good administration in Delhi or resign from his post so that the people of Delhi may get an opportunity to decide about their future. He said that today this Judgement has made it clear that Chief Minister Kejriwal does not need VIPASANA but a Crash Course of 10 days in Constitutional Law.
BJP Leaders said that today’s Judgment of the Delhi High Court made it clear that Delhi is a Union Territory where no decision can be taken without the approval of Lt. Governor. This Judgement has also put a full stop on the attempts to politicize the Anti Corruption Bureau of Delhi Government. Delhi High Court has also termed the attempts to politicize every subject by forming a Judicial Commission by Delhi Government as unconstitutional and said that administrative system functions within the limits of Constitution, not in a Tughlaqi manner. Many times in the history of our independent India the President and the Prime Minister have been from different political backgrounds but they all have worked in harmony in the interest of the nation. Even in present time this is the situation in India but there is no confrontation at all.
Shri Vijender Gupta said that today’s verdict of Delhi High Court has put an end to the controversy raised by Kejriwal Government regarding the federal structure of the country. We hope that after today’s Judgement Kejriwal Government will accept that it is part of the administrative system of Union Territory of Delhi. To be honest the centrally administered National Capital is in the interest of the people and also good for the development of Delhi. Hence any elected Government in Delhi should strengthen co-operation with the Centre and ensure the journey of development of Delhi.
He said that it is regrettable that on the one hand Kejriwal Government has attacked the federal system and on the other also turned Delhi Assembly into a centre of ridicule due to which the resolutions passed by the Legislative Assembly failed the test of constitutional validity.
He also said that Kejriwal should not make the Judgement a prestige issue and should see it an opportunity to concentrate on the development of Delhi. Citing the example of Delhi Metro expansion as a symbol of co-operation between Centre and Delhi Governments from 1997 onwards, he said that the healthy co-operation will ensure consistent development of Delhi.
Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi said it is very sad that after coming to power Chief Minister Kejriwal instead of using the platform of Government to serve the people has made it a power play ground taking every issue of administration in the court of law. She said that today’s verdict of Delhi High Court has special significance because it is a verdict on a constitutional matter. Delhi High Court has also ended any scope for debate in any form on the issue of the Article 239 of Constitution under which Delhi is a Union Territory. Kejriwal Government had challenged this article and after the judicial scrutiny it has been established that Delhi is a Union Territory and Delhi Government functions in the name of Lt. Governor of Delhi. The elected government of Delhi has to run the administration under the guidance and co-operation of the Lt. Governor. Now, we hope that the Kejriwal Government in place of appealing to the Supreme Court will concentrate on serving the people of Delhi.
She further said that Kejriwal Government has misused the public funds to weaken the constitutional institutions and according to our reliable information Kejriwal Government has paid fees of crores of public money to the private advocates in this fight of ego. Smt. Lekhi said that the jurisdiction of the Government and other administrative authorities is defined under the Constitution. If we follow the guidelines then there will be no confrontation at all. In our country the Constitution is Supreme and not any person or post.
Shri Manoj Tiwari said that undoubtedly today is the day of victory of the Constitution. Passing of the GST Bill in Parliament yesterday and today’s Judgement are message to the political parties that they should rise above of party politics and work for the development of the country & Delhi.
Sardar R.P. Singh said that all the citizens of Delhi welcome the Judgement of Delhi High Court and hope God will bestow good sense upon Kejriwal so that he comes out of the politics of confrontation and concentrates on development.
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