Gang of Auto-Lifters-Cum- Thieves Busted

The sleuths of Anti-Auto Theft Squad/West District have busted a gang of auto-lifters-cum-thieves operating in religious processions/functions, with the arrest of Vidyanchal @ Vinni and Jwala Singh @ Satnam Singh.

1.          Vidyanchal @ Vinni S/o Rajender Tiwari R/o H. No. 17, Tilak Vihar, Delhi, Age 25 years. He studied upto 6th standard and left studies due to poverty. Initially, he worked at a garment unit in Pitampura, Delhi. Later, he worked as motorcycle mechanic and as a driver in Dwarka, Delhi. He came in contact of bad elements and started committing thefts. He was arrested for the first time in the year-2010, U/S 379/411 IPC, P. S. Janak Puri, Delhi.

2.            Jwala Singh @ Satnam Singh s/o Babu Singh R/o B-35, DDA Flats, Vidhwa Colony, Tilak Vihar, Delhi, age 31 years. He is a native of District Bharatpur, Rajasthan. His family shifted to Delhi in the year 1990 and his father worked as cook in Delhi. Financial condition of the family was poor. He studied upto 5th standard and left school due to poverty. Initially, he started selling phenyl and kitchen items from door to door. However, he came in contact of bad elements and started committing thefts and snatchings. In the year 2014, a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared on him. He was previously arrested by AATS/ West Distt. He is involved in 23 criminal cases registered at police stations Hari Nagar, Janak Puri, Moti Nagar,Tilak Nagar, Rajender Nagar, Rajouri Garden,  Prasad Nagar, Saket etc.: -

Cases worked out: -
1.      FIR No. 636/14, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Dabri, Delhi (Theft of motorcycle).
2.      FIR No. 926/15,  U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi (Theft of mobile phone).
3.      FIR No. 927/15, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi (Theft of mobile phone).
4.      FIR No. 928/15, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi (Theft of mobile phone).

Recovery made: -

Sl. No.
Recovery made
FIR No., dt., U/S & P. S.
Bajaj Pulsar Motorcycle No. DL 9S AQ 7464
FIR No. 636/14, dated 09/08/2014, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Dabri, Delhi
One ‘Spice Mi-518’ mobile phone
FIR No. 926/15, dated 06/09/2015, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi
One ‘Y!’ (Micromax) mobile phone
FIR No. 927/15, dated 06/09/2015, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi
One MI-2014712 mobile phone
FIR No. 928/15, dated 06/09/2015, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi
One MI-2014712 mobile phone
Taken into possession U/S 102 Cr.P.C.
One ‘1+’ mobile phone
Taken into possession U/S 102 Cr.P.C.
One ‘Samsung A5’ mobile phone
Taken into possession U/S 102 Cr.P.C.

                        On 06/09/2015, information was received by ASI Dipender Singh posted in AATS/ West Distt. that two persons namely Vidhyanchal and Jwala Singh, both resident of Tilak Vihar and actively indulged in criminal activities, have stolen many mobile phones from Janamastmi mela, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi on 05/09/2015- would pass through Outer Ring road to go to Rohini, Delhi to sell the stolen mobile phones probably on a stolen motorcycle.

                        After due legal process, a team comprising ASI Dipender Singh, ASI Dilbag Singh, HC Rishi Kumar, HC Rupesh Kumar and Ct. Sudama was constituted to take immediate action. The team working under the leadership of Inspector Bal Krishan Badola-AATS/ West and under overall supervision of Sh. Dinesh Kumar Sharma, ACP/ Operations/West, started vehicle checking by erecting barricades at a strategic point near Foot over-bridge, Outer Ring Road, Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar, Delhi.
                        At about 7 PM, two persons coming from Bhera Enclave underpass on a black colour Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle were spotted. The informer identified them and the alert team swiftly swung into action to stop the motorcycle No. HR 12D 2139 by closing barricades. Both the persons were apprehended with the motorcycle. On enquiry the motorcycle rider introduced himself as Vidyanchal @ Vinni and the pillion rider introduced himself as Jawala Singh @ Satnam Singh.

                        They were asked to produce the documents of the motorcycle, but could not produce the same and tried to mislead the team by presenting wrong facts. On enquiry it revealed that the motorcycle was stolen vide FIR No. 636/14, P. S. Dabri, Delhi and its original registration number is DL 9S AQ 7464. Hence, they were immediately arrested U/S 41.1 (D) Cr.P.C. and the recovered motorcycle was taken into police possession U/S 102 Cr.P.C.

                        On their personal search, six mobile phones, three from each person, were recovered. During interrogation, both the persons disclosed that they had stolen these mobile phones from the persons visiting Janamastmi Mela, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi on 05/09/2015 in the evening time and today were going to sell them. On enquiry, it revealed that a case FIR No. 926/15, dated 06/09/2015, U/S 379 IPC, P. S. Punjabi Bagh, Delhi has already been registered in respect of one of the recovered ‘Spice’ company  mobile phone. All the mobile phones were taken into police possession U/S 102 Cr.P.C.

                        Later, the accused persons were put under sustained interrogation to know about their involvement in other criminal activities. Vidhyanchal disclosed that he had stolen the recovered motorcycle one year ago and was personally using it by affixing fake number plate.

                        They further disclosed that they are actively indulged in criminal activities. They have unique modus operandi and jointly operate to commit crime. They used to target victim in religious processions and functions. They got benefit of the crowd and easily pick the wallets, mobile phones and other valuable articles from the pockets of devotees. They used to sell the stolen articles to get easy money. 


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