Leader of Opposition, Vijender Gupta today said that in a reply to information sought from Kejriwal Government under RTI Act it has accepted its total failure to implement its election promises as made in 70 Point Action Plan. The failure covers the entire gamut of public services right from Jan Lok Pal to regularization of unauthorized colonies. Some RTI replies in public domain also throw light on inefficiency, determination and lack of purpose of the Government. The following details as received through RTI reveal the casual attitude of the Government:-
Reply received under RTI
Elimination of Corruption
The steps taken to control corruption can be seen on Web-site. On filing appeal for specific reply, few steps taken to make Delhi corruption-free State were highlighted. It was also mentioned that no after-study has been conducted to assess the impact by the measures taken by the Government to reduce corruption.
The promise No. 1 of AAP was passing of Delhi Jan Lok Pal Bill and reducing corruption in the State. No major step has been taken and the reply received mentioned of general measures taken by the Government by the Directorate of Vigilance which are existing since long. Despite publicity, no study was made to bring out the fact that corruption has been reduced. There were certain procedural lapses in the Jan Lok Pal Bill which needed correction. These have not carried out keeping the Bill inabeyance.
Regularization of unauthorized colonies
No unauthorized colony has been regularized since 1.1.2015.
This was a major election promise to woo lakhs of residents of unauthorized colonies. However the Government failed to take any concrete action.
Opening of 20 New Colleges
No new college has been set up since March 2015
The Government has not moved even an inch with regard to the important promise made in the field of Higher Education. Even the locations of the new colleges have not been decided. No funds earmarked for the purpose. No administrative or financial sanction of any kind to fulfill the promise made.
CCTV cameras in public places.
Only 7 cameras at the cost of Rs. 29000 have been installed.
Against the requirement of 1 lakh CCTV cameras in public places, only 7 cameras have been installed. Not even a single camera has been installed in any of the Group Housing Societies, Apartments, Colleges, market places etc.
Demolition of Piou out side Gurudwara Sri Sis Ganj Sahib
No exercise was carried out by SRDC for identification of un-authorized religious structures at Chandni Chowk.
The reply clearly shows the demolition was carried out illegally, in an isolated manner which seriously affected religious sentiments. It was a religious and historic structure which should have been regularized.
Provision of free WI-fi in public places in Delhi
Govt. of Delhi is in the process of taking approvals for the proposal.
No progress has been made despite more than two years of promise.
Higher Education Guarantee Scheme for students after class 12th
The budget allocation of Rs. 10 crore each has been made during the last two years. Loans have been sanctioned in 57 cases amounting to Rs. 1.39 crore.
The scheme has miserably failed to take off due to lack of publicity and proper administration. This is another election promise which has not been achieved as against funds of Rs. 10 crore each for the last 2 years only 1.5 crore has been spent. The application received are 57 which is bare minimum, keeping in view the large number of students and the applicants which should have been received.
CCTV cameras in buses.
Only 100 buses have been provided with CCTV cameras.
It is a case of extremely poor performance by the Government. Against 4200 buses plying on roads, CCTV cameras have been installed only in 100 buses. It is sad state of affairs.
Creation of 900 new Primary Health Centers.
Only 2 Primary Health center have been opened in the last 2 years as per reply received from 5 districts.
This shows that promise of AAP for starting new Health Centers is hollow and nothing has been done so far.
Rain Water Harvesting
No new Rain Water Harvesting project has been taken up during the last two years.
Though AAP Government promised to throw its weight behind Rain Water Harvesting, it has forgotten its promise and did nothing in this direction.
Aam Adami Canteen
No Aam Adami Canteen has been opened so far. LNJP hospital canteen was converted into Aam Adami Canteen.
It is total failure of the Government that despite an allocation of Rs 60 crores during the last two years, the Government has not delivered the much publicized cheap and notorious food to the weaker section of the Society.
Providing Health Cards to citizens of Delhi.
No Health Cards have been issued to citizens of Delhi.
The election promise was providing Health Cards to each and every citizen of Delhi. They have not provided Health Cards to any citizen other than few selected categories of citizens whose numbers does not exceed 500 at present. There is no action plan for providing Health Cards to all the citizens. No target has been fixed for this purpose. No budget has been fixed for providing Health Cards to ordinary citizen of Delhi.
Recruitment of Teachers.
No reply.
The Government has failed to regularize 17000 existing guest teachers and recruit 13000 other teachers on regular basis.
Opening of a public library in each of the 70 constituencies.
No proper answer.
The reply shows that the Government has failed to fulfill its promise. No policy decision has been taken to this effect.

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