Interstate Co-Ordination Meeting for Strengthning NCR Policing
An interstate co-ordination meeting aimed at strengthening
cooperation and coordination in order to address various issues related to policing in NCR was held under the chairmanship of CP/Delhi today at PHQ. The main objective of the meeting was to share terror related intelligence and inputs about various extremist outfits & their designs, besides curbing criminal activities in NCR region and having better coordination on all aspects of policing. Senior officers of Delhi Police and their counterparts from Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Rajasthan, Bihar and J&K attended the meeting.
CP/Delhi stressed on increasing police presence, intensive and co-ordinated checking at vulnerable points, tenant verification, guest house checking and sensitization of cyber café owners, second-hand car dealers, transporters, property dealers, cycle sellers, chemical dealers and STD/ISTD PCO booth owners, watch on open area for flying of para-glider, micro-light air craft etc. in order to strengthen measures of counter terrorism. Spl. CP/Security also requested for sharing of advance information regarding visit of protected persons (PPs) and ensuring that visiting PPs and staff should follow Hon’ble Supreme Courts direction in WP No.25237-2010-Abhay Singh Vs State of UP and others.
CP/Delhi stressed upon using technology with innovative ideas for providing better service to public. He explained the functioning of ‘LOST REPORT’ Mobile & Web App launched by Delhi Police on 27th Feb. 2014 which has been used by over 6 lakh users. He further shared the success of Police Clearance Certificate App through which over 13 thousand certificates have been issued since its launch in August 2014. He suggested that if other states wanted to adopt these Apps, all possible assistance would be provided. He also appreciated the Traffic Apps launched by Gurgoan Police and the measures adopted by Utrakhand Police in managing traffic.
The participants were informed that Delhi Police Control Room is connected with 9 Hotlines of neighboring District Control room i.e. Jhajjar, Noida, Sonepat, Gurgaon, Baghpat, Meerut, Ghaziabad, Bahadurgarh and Faridabad. These Hotlines need to be properly maintained so that they are functional in time of distress. The use of sharing of technology in policing, uploading details of Missing/Found persons and UIDBs on Zipnet without loss of time, co-ordination in vehicle checking to curb M.V. theft, co-operation in arrest of wanted/dreaded criminals were especially underlined.
The officers attending the meeting also shared intelligence for checking crime committed by interstate criminals. Issues of human trafficking, missing children and proliferation of fake Indian currency note (FICN) and smuggling of illicit fire arms were discussed.
Traffic issues such as the returning of non-designed commercial goods vehicles from Delhi borders, stunt biking, fixation of “Rear Under Protection Devices” and lateral under protective device and commercial unit vehicles were stressed upon.
The meeting ended with a resolution to have increased co-ordination in policing in the NCR region with emphasis on one to one interaction at all levels and units in order to provide a more secure environment to citizens of Delhi and neighboring areas.
cooperation and coordination in order to address various issues related to policing in NCR was held under the chairmanship of CP/Delhi today at PHQ. The main objective of the meeting was to share terror related intelligence and inputs about various extremist outfits & their designs, besides curbing criminal activities in NCR region and having better coordination on all aspects of policing. Senior officers of Delhi Police and their counterparts from Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Rajasthan, Bihar and J&K attended the meeting.
CP/Delhi stressed upon using technology with innovative ideas for providing better service to public. He explained the functioning of ‘LOST REPORT’ Mobile & Web App launched by Delhi Police on 27th Feb. 2014 which has been used by over 6 lakh users. He further shared the success of Police Clearance Certificate App through which over 13 thousand certificates have been issued since its launch in August 2014. He suggested that if other states wanted to adopt these Apps, all possible assistance would be provided. He also appreciated the Traffic Apps launched by Gurgoan Police and the measures adopted by Utrakhand Police in managing traffic.
The officers attending the meeting also shared intelligence for checking crime committed by interstate criminals. Issues of human trafficking, missing children and proliferation of fake Indian currency note (FICN) and smuggling of illicit fire arms were discussed.
Traffic issues such as the returning of non-designed commercial goods vehicles from Delhi borders, stunt biking, fixation of “Rear Under Protection Devices” and lateral under protective device and commercial unit vehicles were stressed upon.
The meeting ended with a resolution to have increased co-ordination in policing in the NCR region with emphasis on one to one interaction at all levels and units in order to provide a more secure environment to citizens of Delhi and neighboring areas.
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